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Performance Balance




The ancient art of Yoga is vital to health and endurance. It helps reduce stress, increase muscle tone and prevent injury. Daily yoga practice is part of many performers’ routine. We offer hatha, ashtanga and flow techniques.

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Pilates and Acupuncture - A Synergistic Relationship. The essence of Joseph Pilates’ approach, which he called "controllogy," combines the best of Eastern and Western traditions. The Eastern approach focuses on exercises to calm and center the body, with an emphasis on stretching, while the Western approach concentrates on motion, muscle tone and strength. The result is restoration of musculoskeletal balance, longer and leaner muscles, coordination, ease of movement, and ultimately, a sound mind through reduction of tension and stress.

Just as the Pilates method integrates mind and body via renewal of the natural strength and suppleness of the muscles, acupuncture rejuvenates the healthy, vibrant flow of qi through all organ systems, tissues and meridians of the body. By either tonifying qi or dissolving blockages in its flow, the body is stimulated to heal itself and return to a state of optimal health and vitality.

In combination, Pilates and acupuncture can help a patient tap into an unimaginable inner strength and improve performance in all aspects of life through proper alignment of the mind, body and spirit. The flow of qi ties them all together.

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Our Personal trainers have years of experience. They can help you stay in shape, increase endurance and energy, and prevent injury. Well managed exercise is vital to your health and professional success.

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Our talented personal Chefs can cater to most diets to keep your healthy and strong, and also help with weight loss, while still making delicious food. Some of the diets include: vegetarian, vegan, raw, and macrobiotic.

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Chiropractic adjustments are utilized in order to correct misalignments of the spine and extremities, such as the hands and feet. With the use of applied kinesiology, techniques such as non-force chiropractic, activator and gentle osceous /bony manipulation is preformed. The results of decreasing pressure from the spine will assist in healing and allow proper function to return.

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Physical Therapy utilizes either passive or active rehabilitation. Passive rehabilitation is designed to relieve pain, reduce swelling and promote healing. Procedures include heat, cryotherapy, electric muscle stimulation, ultrasound and spinal traction. Active rehabilitation consists of therapeutic exercises and kinetic therapy to reeducate musculature, increase mobility, and strengthen an injured area. Proper physical training and core strengthening will assist in holding the chiropractic adjustments.

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